$ BBQ Pre-Sale Guide

3 min readMay 2, 2021

Sleep does not exist here at the Barbecueswap.Finance offices . We’ve been working around the clock, trying our hardest to deliver everything in time for our beloved and hungry community

Security and good performance is our main focus so we’re constantly testing all the contracts to make sure that everything is locked and loaded for launch.

Quick Updates:

  • 1090 members on Telegram 🚀
  • 1255 followers on Twitter 🚀
  • Contracts are under constant testing to ensure their safety and proper execution
  • Pre-sale is going very well and it is happening as I write this. (Visit now barbecueswap.finance)

Remember to have WBNB in you wallet. You can get WBNB in PancakeSwap or any BSC DEX.

Pre-sale Guide📚

As we saw that there were some problems buying $BBQ. We went on to make a guide explaining so there is no more problems in getting your $BBQ!

This article is mainly going to be an overview and step by step explanation of our pre-sale page, hosted on our own platform. We’ve tried to make it as intuitive as possible for both experienced Defi users and newcomers. In our opinion anyone that has previously participated in a pre-sale will feel at home.

Wallet Connection🛒

We recommend Metamask

Main Interface💻

Once you’re connected you can navigate the pre-sale interface and use it to purchase $BBQ

Contribute Button

The contribute button will initiate the acquisition of your BBQ tokens. You’ll have to confirm it through your BSC or Metamask wallet before it’s finalized through a few pop ups. Make sure you check the BSCScan transaction afterwards, it will show you if your transaction went well. Also this will be your safe haven for all of your BSC transactions, whether you’re buying BBQ or any other Yield Farming Token. This is where information is not altered by anyone

Remember to get your WBNB. You can get them here: Go to Trade- Exchange- https://pancakeswap.finance/


After these steps the tokens will be in your wallet. Now you can lay back in your chair and watch the pre-sale unfold, and wait for the farms to open once everything is over.

Once the IFO ends, you will be able to claim your BBQ purchased at a Pre-sale price to be able to do Farming & Staking with the best APRs.

Steak´em 🥩🔥

Visit barbecueswap.finance and get your $BBQ in Presale price! 🚀🎁




Written by BarbecueSwap.Finance

BarbecueSwap is a sustainable yield farming and staking platform on the BinanceSmartChain, driven by a talented team and fueled by an amazing community.

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